Learning Platforms, Remote Learning & E-Safety
At Fernhill School we believe that work at home helps to consolidate the learning that is undertaken at school but also builds on that learning. Teaching staff will set regular homework on Google Classroom.
Google Classroom
Homework will appear on Google Classroom. Google Classroom will also be used for home learning for isolating students where they are well enough to complete work from home. Google Classroom link
Guides to Google Classroom
Google Classroom Live lesson student guide
Google Classroom student guide for computer
Google Classroom student guide for mobile phone
Student Email
Students - your username = first initial + surname + intake year.
(For example a student in Year 7 called Mark Jones the email would be as follows: MJones19@fernhillschool.org.uk)
Useful websites for students
The following websites are used to support your learning whilst at Fernhill.
Careers links and adviser's email
E Books
https://fernhill-hantssls.wheelers.co/ A wide range of audio and e books.
Username - student's email eg: Iread20@fernhillschool.org.uk
Password Year 7: ebooks
Password Years 8 - 11: 1234BKS
www.theday.co.uk News and activity/lesson resources included.
Username: fernhill
Password: theday
This is the online catalogue of all books students and staff can find in the Fernhill School Library. Students may logon to check their account by using:
Username: school network username. e.g. lbloggs18
Password: date of birth in an 8 digit format e.g. 19042007
E-Safety for students
Click here for our 'Your Safety and Wellbeing' page.