
During the school holidays students are welcome to ring Rachel Bennett for help and advice 07752 145062 

At Fernhill School we take our responsibilities with regard to safeguarding the welfare of young people incredibly seriously.  This focus is at the forefront of all our work.  All staff are trained in identifying child protection concerns, handling allegations and with understanding the issues around radicalisation and extremism (also called The Prevent Duty), Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), online safety and protection and sexual health and drug awareness.  We also respond to local issues as we need to.  Our school Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be found below.  This is reviewed annually during the Autumn Term. 

Safeguarding concerns should be raised with the Designated Safeguarding Lead or our other trained Deputy DSLs as below.

Link to policies - Child Protection, Safeguarding and KCSIE


The Department for Education (DfE) has recently commissioned the NSPCC to set up a helpline to support potential victims of abuse and provide advice to children and adults:

NSPCC Helpline 0800 136 663 or email

For students - please click on the page below

If you are worried you can speak to any member of the school staff who will find the best person to help you