Key Stage 3

The Maths curriculum develops key concepts, ideas and representations over the five year course at Fernhill School. Key models and images are constantly built upon whilst making links between ideas. Students move from concrete to pictorial and abstract ideas.  Maths is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. 

Year 7 Curriculum Map

Year 7 starts with the fundamentals of algebra. Beginning with numerical sequences and from that develop deep understanding of algebraic forms. Function machines are used a long side bar models and letter notation. Students then move onto numerical methods that build on the foundations from key stage 2.

Students go on to look at direct (negative) numbers before developing their knowledge on fractions.

In the summer term students move on to some constructions under the geometry section alongside looking at geometric notation. After this they develop their geometrical reasoning skills. The final half term is spent developing number reasoning with some students moving on to look at numerical proofs.


Year 8 Curriculum Map

The Year 8 curriculum starts with a half term on multiplicative relationships in different forms. Students look at ratio and proportion and multiplicative change in different context.

After which they develop the algebraic and numerical techniques from year 7. With the algebraic techniques they continue to use bar models and algebra tiles to help visualise the concept. In number student look at standard form and see how to write and use very large and very small numbers in scientific notation.  Financial maths is also developed through the contexts of e.g. profit, loss and interest

The summer term focusses on developing geometric reasoning with angles in parallel lines and polygons and area of trapezia and circles. The year finishes off with the data handling cycle. A particular focus is using charts to compare different distributions. We also explore when graphs may be misleading, an important real-life consideration



Year 9 Curriculum Map

Year 9 starts with two geometry topics from the year 8 Scheme of Work that were not covered due to COVID. Students develop their geometrical reasoning through calculating missing angles in parallel lines and polygons followed by area of circles and trapezia. Students continue to develop their reasoning but with algebra. Students look at linking their previous sequence and algebra knowledge with graphical representations.  Student revisit and extended their knowledge of forming and solving linear equations and inequalities.

 This is the first-time students formally study 3D shapes at Key stage 3. As well as surface area and volume students also explore plans and elevations.

 Next students spend time developing their number work with percentages and maths involved in finance Allowing students to practice their number skills in various financial contexts.